

Safety is important to us.

Prior to beginning any customer project, our team at Cangelosi-Ward General Contractors combined with our Safety Partner team at Essential Safety Partners, work together to ensure the development of a safe and compliant project plan. Both our project management team and our Safety Partner work very closely with our customers and subcontractors to coordinate and communicate project safety expectations/requirements through Pre-Construction and Pre-Installation meetings. Additionally, our teams work diligently to ensure subcontractor safety by conducting weekly safety meetings/trainings and by conducting routine safety inspections.


Essential Safety Partners

Essential Safety Partners was founded on the belief of building a relationship-centered approach focused on protecting a company’s greatest asset, its people! Our team includes safety professionals across multiple industries providing our customers with a well-rounded safety management partner. Additionally, our team consists of safety professionals with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in occupational safety as well as board Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). With a relationship-centered approach in mind, our team at Essential Safety Partners is staffed and ready to partner with your business by managing your safety and risk management needs.